Spargo Golf was present at the Accra Golf Demo Day in Orlando, Florida prior to the opening of the PGA Merchandise Show. Accra shafts entertained over 100 clubfitters with a day of educational seminars and product testing at the Falcon's Fire Golf Course. Representatives from UST Golf Shafts, Lamkin Golf Grips, Bettinardi Putters, and KBS Shafts were just a few of the presenters. Golf Digest Technical Editor, Mike Stachura spoke about the importance of choosing the Top 100 Clubfitters in America. Adam Barr of Golf Channel fame and now President at Miura Golf, participated in a roundtable discussion about the state of golf in America.
Out on the Practice Range, clubfitters were able to test the new offerings from Accra, KBS and UST. Some of the shafts were even assembled with the new Taylormade R11 Driver head. An added treat was the exhibition put on by Long Drive Champions Jamie Sadlowski and Art Sellinger. Truly impressive to see these two Long Drivers of America launch the golf ball into the stratosphere.
Our day concluded with a round of golf on the beautifully manicured Falcon's Fire Golf Course. This was truly a great experience and worthwhile trip. Accra made sure every clubmaker left with a sample of their latest shafts, and some of the KBS newer offerings. They will be in the fitting system at Spargo Golf by early February.
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“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”
- Albert Einstein