Quite often when players adjust the loft of their putters, the visual appearance of the putter at address changes. Most players like to have the putter sit square to their target line when laid to rest. Unfortunately, when loft is moved from its original specification, the head becomes more apt to open or close when at rest. Normally, when a putter is delofted, the head will tend to lie open. When a loft is increased, the bounce on the putter causes the head to close. So before adjusting your putter for loft, be sure you can accept the visual changes associated with the adjustment.
Depending on the type of greens you play, loft becomes a major factor in fitting. We at Spargo Golf work with golfers to determine their goals and effectuate the best results. A Putter Fitting can vastly improve your performance on the course.
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“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”
- Albert Einstein